Croatian Credit Insurance J.S.C.

Hrvatsko kreditno osiguranje (HKO) (Croatian Credit Insurance J.S.C.), a company owned by HBOR, is specialised in the insurance of short-term receivables (up to 1 year) related to the selling of goods and services in Croatia and abroad (credit insurance).
What are the benefits of insuring your receivables with HKO?
- Improved cash flow – prompt indemnification in the event of buyer’s non-payment
- Protection of assets, i.e. receivables
- Protection of liquidity
- Improved security in doing business on new markets and with new buyers, as well as with the existing ones
- Possibility of offering deferred payment terms to your buyers (competitive advantage)
- Coverage of costs incurred in the collection of receivables from buyers
- Cheaper access to funding from commercial banks ( credit insurance policy can be used as collateral)
- More time and energy to focus on the business development and improvement of competitiveness
Who can be insured?
All business entities selling goods and services with deferred payment, regardless of their economic activity and size.Insurance costs, but non- payment by buyers costs even more!
- About 50% of non-payments relates to buyers with whom a stable, long-term co-operation had been established
- In order to make up for a relatively low unpaid receivable of EUR 15,000, the company which operates with a profit margin of 5% has to increase its turnover by EUR 300,000
- Receivables make for about 50% of assets of small and medium-sized companies