The Three Seas Initiative Innovation Fund
The Three Seas Initiative Innovation Fund is the second financial instrument emerging from the Three Seas Initiative. It has been designed in cooperation with the EIF and is intended for investment in alternative investment funds, including venture capital funds, private equity funds and private credit funds in the Initiative region.
The above funds invest in companies at a later stage of growth and development, including the fast-growing innovative companies focused on technology, as well as in established companies operating in more traditional economic sectors and industries.
The above funds invest in companies at a later stage of growth and development, including the fast-growing innovative companies focused on technology, as well as in established companies operating in more traditional economic sectors and industries.
Amounts are allocated to the funds in accordance with the EIF’s calls for expression of interests and decisions.
Alternative investment funds that invest in small or medium-sized companies or mid-caps that are established or active in one or more participating countries or carry out the majority of their activities in one or more participating countries.CONTACTS FOR ENTREPRENEURS
The contact details of fund managers will be published when the alternative investment funds from the Three Seas Initiative Innovation Fund portfolio become operational.