HBOR How we work


Promotion of systematic, sustainable and balanced economic and social development of the Republic of Croatia.


Spark of innovation and sustainable development of the Republic of Croatia through support and  partnership with business entities and other stakeholders in the economy and society.



Proactive support for the development of the Republic of Croatia through financial products and services.



  1. Expertise and client-orientation,
  2. Proactivity and innovation,
  3. Integrity,
  4. Sustainability,  
  5. Transparency and confidentiality.



Strategic goals for HBOR’s operations in the period 2025 - 2029 shall be focused on:  
  1. Promoting the development of venture capital, private equity and quasi-equity market in the Republic of Croatia,
  2. Promoting the balanced and sustainable economic and social regional development of the Republic of Croatia,
  3. Promoting the Croatian economy internationalisation,
  4. Strengthening the competitiveness and resilience of the Croatian economy,  
  5. Promoting the green transition of the Republic of Croatia.  

Activities directed at the development of HBOR as organisation in the period 2025 - 2029 shall be focused on:
  1. Sustainability,
  2. Active and efficient use of national, EU and other international sources of funds,
  3. Flexible and sustainable organisation with a proactive business approach,
  4. Proactive cooperation with stakeholders in the economy and society.

Strategy Brochure


The Code of Ethics outlines our core values that we are all expected to adhere to and be guided by in all our business decisions and actions towards internal and external stakeholders, and clarifies the principles of governance in certain important areas of business that we must all be familiar with and act in accordance with. 
The Code of Ethics applies to all HBOR employees, including members of the Management Board, and is also  applied appropriately to members of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee of HBOR, as well as to external stakeholders, including clients, suppliers and other stakeholders to the extent applicable to them.
A report of violation of the Code of Ethics shall be submitted on the form via e-mail to the following address: or by mail to the address: Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Compliance Monitoring Function, Strossmayerov  trg 9, 10 000 Zagreb.


Corporate Governance Code
