
"ESIF Loans for Energy Efficiency" is a financial instrument for which the funds are provided from the European Structural and Investment Funds through the 2014-2020 Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme, Priority Axis 4 "Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources" – Specific Goal 4c1 "Reduction of energy consumption of the public-sector buildings".
The objective of this financial instrument is to finance investment in energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy resource in public sector buildings for energy saving purposes.
Through this financial instrument, measures of energy efficiency are supported that will result in a decreased consumption of energy for heating/cooling of at least 50% on annual level.
Financial instrument is intended for entities that before submission of a loan application for "ESIF Loans for Energy Efficiency" have obtained the Decision on financing upon the Invitation for submission of project proposals "Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in public sector buildings".
Irregularities report and objection to HBOR’s decision on loan application refusal can be sent to the e-mail: esif.nepravilnosti@hbor.hr.
This document has been prepared with the support of the European Union. Attitudes presented in the document do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

"ESIF Loans for Energy Efficiency" is a financial instrument for which the funds are provided from the European Structural and Investment Funds through the 2014-2020 Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme, Priority Axis 4 "Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources" – Specific Goal 4c1 "Reduction of energy consumption of the public-sector buildings".
The objective of this financial instrument is to finance investment in energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy resource in public sector buildings for energy saving purposes.
Through this financial instrument, measures of energy efficiency are supported that will result in a decreased consumption of energy for heating/cooling of at least 50% on annual level.
Financial instrument is intended for entities that before submission of a loan application for "ESIF Loans for Energy Efficiency" have obtained the Decision on financing upon the Invitation for submission of project proposals "Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in public sector buildings".
Irregularities report and objection to HBOR’s decision on loan application refusal can be sent to the e-mail: esif.nepravilnosti@hbor.hr.
This document has been prepared with the support of the European Union. Attitudes presented in the document do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union.