In the spirit of long-term cooperation and joint investment in the development of the local economy, the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) and Lika-Senj County signed an addendum to the current Business Cooperation Agreement.
On this occasion, Hrvoje Čuvalo, President of the Management Board of HBOR and Ernest Petry, prefect of Lika-Senj County, jointly announced the expansion of the interest rate subsidy programme for entrepreneurs.
By the respective agreement, the maximum loan amount under the “Working Capital” programme, which is subject to co-financing by the County, was increased from EUR 140,000 to EUR 200,000. As so far, HBOR will approve loans either directly or through partners, including Hrvatska poštanska banka, Privredna banka Zagreb and Erste&Steiermarkische bank.
"HBOR continuously invests in Lika-Senj County and in the last ten years, it has supported more than 200 projects with the amount of EUR 62 million. An addendum to the agreement was signed today, which is a continuation of the good and successful cooperation between HBOR and entrepreneurs from the area of Lika-Senj County. I believe that the increase in the maximum amount of loans for which Lika-Senj County subsidises interest rate under the “Working Capital” programme will contribute to the attractiveness of this measure, because we are aware of the fact that favourable financing of working capital is crucial for the success of micro and small businesses," said the President of the Management Board of HBOR Hrvoje Čuvalo.
County Prefect Petry expressed satisfaction with the continuation of cooperation with HBOR, emphasising that the goal of such initiatives is to create more favourable financial conditions for entrepreneurs, and encourage the development of entrepreneurship among youth, women and start-ups.
"We thank HBOR for the past and future successful cooperation on the implementation of loan programmes that encourage entrepreneurship of youth, women and start-ups in the area of Lika-Senj County and the use of loans for working capital in all activities. Through this cooperation, we strive to create conditions to improve the availability of loans for the development of entrepreneurship to our entrepreneurs, and thus for the development of entrepreneurship in general. At the moment, under the mentioned programmes, we have contracted interest subsidies for a total of 10 entrepreneurs for which Lika-Senj County has assumed the obligation to co-finance interest rate in the amount of over EUR 30,000. Therefore, we invite other entrepreneurs from the area of Lika-Senj County who need loans for working capital from the HBOR’s programme to contact HBOR regional office in Gospić or commercial banks involved in the implementation of this loan programme in order to take advantage of the possibility to realise a loan for working capital with the support of Lika-Senj County. I particularly emphasise that all entrepreneurs that meet the conditions for using loans from the Programme "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" may use the support of Lika-Senj County to co-finance interest rate in the amount of 50 % in all years of loan repayment," said prefect Petry.
Lika-Senj County will subsidise interest rates for two HBOR loan programmes: for "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" with 2 percentage points and for "Working Capital" programme with 1 percentage point. These conditions are significant support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from the area of the County.
Eligible borrowers are micro, small and medium-sized business entities that invest in the area of Lika-Senj County and have their headquarters or residence in the area of Lika-Senj County.
The maximum and minimum amount of loan funds for which interest is subsidised under the "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" programme in accordance with the signed addendum to the Business Cooperation Agreement are: the minimum amount is EUR 50,000, and the maximum amount is EUR 270,000, while under the "Working Capital" programme, the minimum amount is EUR 50,000, and the maximum amount is EUR 200,000.
Details and terms and terms of lending are available on the official website of Lika-Senj County, where a public invitation to entrepreneurs for the use of these incentives was published, which further encourages the economic growth and development of the region.
Public invitation can be found at the following link.
In the spirit of long-term cooperation and joint investment in the development of the local economy, the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) and Lika-Senj County signed an addendum to the current Business Cooperation Agreement.
On this occasion, Hrvoje Čuvalo, President of the Management Board of HBOR and Ernest Petry, prefect of Lika-Senj County, jointly announced the expansion of the interest rate subsidy programme for entrepreneurs.
By the respective agreement, the maximum loan amount under the “Working Capital” programme, which is subject to co-financing by the County, was increased from EUR 140,000 to EUR 200,000. As so far, HBOR will approve loans either directly or through partners, including Hrvatska poštanska banka, Privredna banka Zagreb and Erste&Steiermarkische bank.
"HBOR continuously invests in Lika-Senj County and in the last ten years, it has supported more than 200 projects with the amount of EUR 62 million. An addendum to the agreement was signed today, which is a continuation of the good and successful cooperation between HBOR and entrepreneurs from the area of Lika-Senj County. I believe that the increase in the maximum amount of loans for which Lika-Senj County subsidises interest rate under the “Working Capital” programme will contribute to the attractiveness of this measure, because we are aware of the fact that favourable financing of working capital is crucial for the success of micro and small businesses," said the President of the Management Board of HBOR Hrvoje Čuvalo.
County Prefect Petry expressed satisfaction with the continuation of cooperation with HBOR, emphasising that the goal of such initiatives is to create more favourable financial conditions for entrepreneurs, and encourage the development of entrepreneurship among youth, women and start-ups.
"We thank HBOR for the past and future successful cooperation on the implementation of loan programmes that encourage entrepreneurship of youth, women and start-ups in the area of Lika-Senj County and the use of loans for working capital in all activities. Through this cooperation, we strive to create conditions to improve the availability of loans for the development of entrepreneurship to our entrepreneurs, and thus for the development of entrepreneurship in general. At the moment, under the mentioned programmes, we have contracted interest subsidies for a total of 10 entrepreneurs for which Lika-Senj County has assumed the obligation to co-finance interest rate in the amount of over EUR 30,000. Therefore, we invite other entrepreneurs from the area of Lika-Senj County who need loans for working capital from the HBOR’s programme to contact HBOR regional office in Gospić or commercial banks involved in the implementation of this loan programme in order to take advantage of the possibility to realise a loan for working capital with the support of Lika-Senj County. I particularly emphasise that all entrepreneurs that meet the conditions for using loans from the Programme "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" may use the support of Lika-Senj County to co-finance interest rate in the amount of 50 % in all years of loan repayment," said prefect Petry.
Lika-Senj County will subsidise interest rates for two HBOR loan programmes: for "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" with 2 percentage points and for "Working Capital" programme with 1 percentage point. These conditions are significant support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from the area of the County.
Eligible borrowers are micro, small and medium-sized business entities that invest in the area of Lika-Senj County and have their headquarters or residence in the area of Lika-Senj County.
The maximum and minimum amount of loan funds for which interest is subsidised under the "Youth, Female and Start-up Entrepreneurship" programme in accordance with the signed addendum to the Business Cooperation Agreement are: the minimum amount is EUR 50,000, and the maximum amount is EUR 270,000, while under the "Working Capital" programme, the minimum amount is EUR 50,000, and the maximum amount is EUR 200,000.
Details and terms and terms of lending are available on the official website of Lika-Senj County, where a public invitation to entrepreneurs for the use of these incentives was published, which further encourages the economic growth and development of the region.
Public invitation can be found at the following link.