1. Eligible beneficiaries
Private sector business entities - companies, crafts businesses, sole traders, family farms, cooperatives and institutions as follows:- micro, small and medium-sized business entities
- mid-cap entities.
Public sector business entities - units of local and regional government (municipalities, cities and counties - hereinafter: ULRGs) and companies, institutions and agencies owned or majority-owned by ULRGs and/or the Republic of Croatia.
2. Lending purpose and lease assets
Financing of finance and operating leasing for the following new or used lease assets:
- equipment
- machines
- commercial vehicles
- personal vehicles used for commercial purposes, i.e. used primarily for the performance of registered activity or particularly marked and adjusted for the performance of such activity
- vessels
3. Manner of financing and submitting finance applications
- In cooperation with leasing companies - Application and supporting documentation are submitted by leasing beneficiary to leasing company.
4. Amount of financing
- Amount of financing and own share of leasing beneficiary are determined by leasing company.
5. Currency of leasing
6. Interest rate
- Interest rate charged to leasing beneficiary is determined by leasing company.
7. Fees
- Fees charged to leasing beneficiary are determined by leasing company.
8. Repayment / lease period
- Repayment/lease period for leasing beneficiary is determined by leasing company, provided that repayment/lease period cannot be shorter than two years for micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and mid-caps and five years for public sector entities.
9. Security
- Instruments of security for leasing beneficiary are determined by leasing company.
10. Related documentation / Schedules
- General Eligibility Criteria, Annex 1.2 - Paris Agreement Alignment; Annex 2 - Green Eligibility Table
- Decision on General Terms and Conditions of Lending Activities of HBOR
11. Leasing companies Co-operating with HBOR on Programme
Erste & Steiermärkische S-Leasing d.o.o.OTP Leasing d.d.
Raiffeisen Leasing d.o.o.
UniCredit Leasing Croatia d.o.o.