HBOR, through framework loans to banks, enabled the approval of new loans for liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by the COVID – 19 pandemic with interest rates reduced by 0.75 p.p. compared to regular rates. Banks involved in the cooperation are: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., OTP banka d.d., Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d., Addiko Bank d.d. and Sberbank d.d.
„This manner of lending will enable faster approval of funds needed by entrepreneurs with a reduced interest rate. Namely, more than HRK 1.2 billion was made available to entrepreneurs for new liquidity loans which banks will, thanks to HBOR sources, approve at an interest rate reduced by 0.75 p.p. compared to the regular interest rate“, said Tamara Perko, President of the Management Board of HBOR.
For loan approval, entrepreneurs should contact one of the listed commercial banks.
HBOR, through framework loans to banks, enabled the approval of new loans for liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by the COVID – 19 pandemic with interest rates reduced by 0.75 p.p. compared to regular rates. Banks involved in the cooperation are: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., OTP banka d.d., Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d., Addiko Bank d.d. and Sberbank d.d.
Interest rate reduced by 0.75 p.p.
Beneficiaries of the new liquidity loans can be micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and mid-caps (up to 3,000 employees) that were not in difficulties on 31 December 2019. Entrepreneurs applying for a loan should, in accordance with the Methodology for the calculation of the COVID score of the Financial Agency (FINA), be assessed as clients whose business is endangered and who need additional financing.„This manner of lending will enable faster approval of funds needed by entrepreneurs with a reduced interest rate. Namely, more than HRK 1.2 billion was made available to entrepreneurs for new liquidity loans which banks will, thanks to HBOR sources, approve at an interest rate reduced by 0.75 p.p. compared to the regular interest rate“, said Tamara Perko, President of the Management Board of HBOR.
Funds for financing current operating expenses
The maximum loan amount can be HRK 35 million, and the funds can be used for the financing of salaries, overheads and other basic operating expenses (the so-called idle mode), purchase of raw materials, settlement of obligations towards suppliers and other current operating expenses. Loans cannot be used for the settlement of existing loan obligations towards commercial banks and other financial institutions.For loan approval, entrepreneurs should contact one of the listed commercial banks.