HBOR President of the Management Board of HBOR Hrvoje Čuvalo re-elected member of the Administrative Board of the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB
At the General Assembly of the EAPB held in Barcelona on 31 May 2024, the President of the Management Board of HBOR, Hrvoje Čuvalo, was re-elected for a next term of two years as Member of Administrative Board of the EAPB.

The re-election to the Administrative Board is a great acknowledgement of member banks of this important European association, both to the contribution and work of the President Čuvalo, and to HBOR and the Republic of Croatia. By this, trust has been confirmed to the President of the HBOR Management Board as a respected member, and HBOR has been recognised as an important factor in representing common European interests.

”Being a member of the Administrative Board in the past two years has been a very important experience. HBOR feels at home within this esteemed European family and we are glad to continue our journey together. We recognise the opportunities for cooperation and exchange of knowledge provided by the EAPB, as well as dialogue with EU bodies on issues that shape the future of our institutions. Our role as public and promotional banks is crucial for creating the European future. I express my gratitude for the opportunity to design the work of the Administrative Board during the upcoming mandate 2024 - 2026, and I extend a special welcome to the four newly elected members of the Administrative Board. We will continue to focus on measures to support recovery and resilience, as well as on supporting European competitiveness for the benefit of our national economies. We will promote common interests before the new European Commission and new representatives in the European Parliament, working on key areas such as investments in green technologies, sustainable finance, digital transformation, promotional EU policies as well as banking regulation and supervision. By implementing the new strategy, formed in the previous mandate period, we will further boost our efficiency in the EAPB, make the membership in the association more attractive and in this way influence the additional expansion and relevance of the association“, said on this occasion Hrvoje Čuvalo.
The elections have brought a change of four members of the Board, while Ms. Lidwin van Velden, CEO of NWB Bank from the Netherlands, has been re-elected as EAPB President. The newly elected Administrative Board consists of 9 members as follows:
  1. Lidwin van Velden, NWB Bank, the Netherlands, President
  2. Gabriela Pantring, NRW.BANK, Germany, Vice President
  3. Mari Tyster, MuniFin, Finland, Vice President
  4. Iris Bethge-Krauss, VÖB, Germany, Member
  5. Stephan Brandt, IBB, Germany, Member
  6. Yves Millardet, AFL, France, Member
  7. Hrvoje Čuvalo, HBOR, Croatia, Member
  8. Iliya Karanikolov, BDB, Bulgaria, Member
  9. Vanessa Servera, ICF, Spain, Member.
Established in 2000 with the aim of representing the interests of development banks and European state-owned banks, the EAPB currently has 29 members and represents directly and indirectly more than 90 financial institutions with the total assets of EUR 3.500 billion and a market share of 15% in the European financial sector. EAPB members are national and regional promotional banks, financing agencies and public commercial banks throughout Europe. The EAPB is a key point for achieving dialogue and representing the interests of national development banks before the European Commission, the European Parliament and other European institutions. HBOR has been a member since 2007 and continuously participates in EAPB's working bodies through numerous representatives. Hrvoje Čuvalo has been a Member of the Administrative Board since 2022.