At the 12th meeting of the Supervisory Board, held on 18 December 2024, HBOR adopted its 2025-2029 Business Strategy.

The new strategy contains HBOR's vision of operations in the new strategic period, i.e. the direction that is aligned with the priorities of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030. This document is based on the previous Business Strategy of HBOR for the 2020-2024 period and is adapted to the external environment and macroeconomic forecasts, to the results of the analysis of identified needs of the public and private sectors, the key areas of HBOR’s operations, as well as to those segments of the economy for which market deficiencies have been identified or which need to be additionally supported by HBOR.

In the new strategic period, HBOR will remain dedicated to its vision of being the spark of innovation and sustainable development of the Republic of Croatia and to its mission of providing proactive support to the development of the Republic of Croatia.

Through its operations, HBOR will actively contribute to national and EU goals and climate goals established by the Paris Agreement, as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and ensure long-term sustainable operations of HBOR.

The Business Strategy is based on five strategic goals that define the key areas of HBOR’s operations and on four strategic enablers that describe how HBOR as an organisation will develop in order to achieve the set goals.

Strategic goals
  1. Promoting the development of venture capital, private equity and quasi-equity market in the Republic of Croatia (Equity),
  2. Promoting the balanced and sustainable economic and social regional development of the Republic of Croatia (Regional and Social Development),
  3. Promoting the Croatian economy internationalisation (Internationalisation),
  4. Strengthening the competitiveness and resilience of the Croatian economy (Competitiveness and Resilience),
  5. Promoting the green transition of the Republic of Croatia (Green Transition).
Strategic enablers
  1. Sustainability,
  2. Active and efficient use of national, EU and other international sources of funds,
  3. Flexible and sustainable organisation with a proactive business approach,
  4. Proactive cooperation with stakeholders in the economy and society.
Within each of the strategic goals and enablers, key areas of action with related activities have been defined that HBOR will implement during the next strategic period.

The Business Strategy is subject to revision if there are macroeconomic and/or regulatory changes, and it will be regularly evaluated to determine whether the proposed measures are efficient and whether they lead to the fulfilment of the strategic goals, vision and mission of HBOR.
Strategy Brochure

Photo: Cetina river, author: Denis Peroš, Croatian Tourist Board